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Ontario Stroke System

The Ontario Stroke System (OSS) “is a comprehensive approach to organized stroke prevention and care that includes the full continuum of care within 11 regional stroke systems across the province”[i].

CorHealth Ontario, established in 2017, resulted from the merger of the Cardiac Care Network and the Ontario Stroke Network. Leadership of the OSS is provided by CorHealth and supported by the eleven regional stroke networks across the province. CorHealth Ontario’s Vision is the best cardiac, stroke and vascular care for all Ontarians. Each stroke network supports stroke system integration and best practice implementation at a regional level. 

Regional Stroke Networks in Ontario

Visit the CorHealth Ontario Website for more information.

[i] Lewis, Mary, Joann Trypuc, Patrice Lindsay, Chris O’Callaghan, and Alexis Dishaw. 2006. “Has Ontario’s Stroke System Really Made a Difference?” Healthcare Quaterly 9 (4): 50-59.