Stories from Person's with Lived Experience

Stroke can affect people in different ways and in many cases a stroke can be a life changing event. Although each person’s stroke journey is unique, it can be powerful and inspirational to hear the experience of others. On this page, you will be able to hear stories of resilience and recovery from person’s with lived experience.

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Meet Catherine

Catherine Héroux is an active volunteer at Unity Health Toronto.  She co-chairs the Unity Health Patient and Family Council, serves as a patient partner on various projects and holds a seat on the South East Toronto Stroke Network’s Advisory Committee. Watch this video to hear about Catherine’s stroke recovery journey during the pandemic and her advice to health care teams.  Catherine shared her story at the TSNs 2023 Annual Collaborative 

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Meet Cherie 

Cherie is a co-chair of the TSNs’ Patient and Family Advisory Committee. Watch this video to hear about Cherie’s stroke journey and her advice to both health care teams and people who are experiencing stroke which was shared at the TSNs 2022 Annual Collaborative 

Meet Ajit 

Ajit Pahwa is a Toronto Stroke Networks (TSNs) Patient Advisor. He is also the chair of the Stroke Recovery Association in Richmond Hill, Ontario. After his stroke, he had aphasia and one-sided weakness.  

The development of this video is funded in part by the Government of Canada through New Horizons for Seniors Program 2016/2017. 

Meet Ron 

Ron is one of the TSNs Patient and Family Advisor Committee co-chairs. This CTV news story highlights Ron’s journey and talks about the long-term effects of stroke.  


Meet Hass 

Hass is a TSNs patient advisor. In this audio clip, he talks about his journey to regaining independence with walking, getting more active and trying to have a healthier lifestyle. You can hear about some of the strategies that have helped him. 

A message of hope – Bob Menagh

 “Stroke is a very sudden damage to the brain done in an instant. Not a disease or sickness. It is not progressive. You have been stabilized. Your stroke is a passed life event. A successful recovery is your option. Develop an attitude of unstoppable determination, optimism, self-encouragement, hope, confidence and gratitude. Emotional and physical recovery must start immediately in your mind. You must develop a positive mindset. Change the thoughts you think and change yourself to get back what has been lost. It is hard work. It can only get better from here but only you can make that happen and you will. Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. Hope is invincible. It is your own choice to make the rest of your life the best of your life. You can either get better or get bitter. The decision does not belong to fate, it belongs to you. Please give hope a chance“